



正规买足球的App, we are working to dramatically improve academic and life outcomes for Students of Color by disrupting the legacies of racism in our educational system. This work supports our commitment to make sure every student graduates prepared for college, 一个职业, 以及社区参与.

西雅图卓越, 我们的五年战略计划, is guided by four priorities and is laser focused on supporting Students of Color who are furthest away from educational justice, beginning with African American boys and teens.

Our strategic plan is not about changing students. This work is about changing broken systems and undoing legacies of racism in public education. By actively becoming an anti-racist educational system – and ensuring students furthest away from educational justice thrive – conditions in 正规买足球的App will improve for all.

” Success is seen as being famous or rich. We only talk about Black Excellence in relation to people like Obama, 但是通过这样做, we are limiting that definition to ‘I need to be a famous athlete or President of the U.S.要成功. Black Excellence is also having a normal life, feeling like you are part of the community.


西雅图卓越 is guided by the vision and principles of targeted universalism—a strategic framework where targeted and differentiated efforts are required to meet the needs of specific student populations, so every student meets the universal goal. SPS is focused on African American boys and teens meeting academic goals, which will result in greater academic success for all our students. 这段视频来自The Othering & 加州大学伯克利分校的归属研究所 provides a brief introduction to the concept and the practical applications of targeted universalism in society and our schools.

Why are We Starting with African American Boys and Teens?

We believe an intentional focus on the academic, 文化, and social-emotional well-being and strengths of African American boys and teens will move us toward educational justice for all Students of Color.

We are committed to promoting a strength-based and accurate narrative about our African American boys and teens, normalizing excellence and making sure they have the resources and support they need to reach their fullest potential.

Learn more about African American Male Achievement at 正规买足球的App.



西雅图卓越 focuses on four priorities to eliminate opportunity gaps and to ensure every student will receive a high-quality, 世界一流的教育. We are focused on these three goals: making sure all students read at grade level by the end of third grade; safe and welcoming schools; and 文化ly responsive professional practice and instruction.

High-Quality 教学与学习经历

We will educate through high-quality instruction and learning experiences that accelerate growth for Students of Color who are most impacted by racist systems. Learn more about instruction and learning experiences goals


We will develop a 文化ly responsive workforce so teachers, 领导人, and staff can effectively support students and 家庭. 了解更多关于员工目标的信息

Predictable and Consistent 操作系统

We will develop operational systems that provide a predictable and consistent experience to meet the needs of students and 家庭 and allow them to focus on learning. 了解更多关于操作目标的信息


我们将与学生合作, 家庭, and communities who are most impacted by racist systems by conducting inclusive and authentic engagement. 了解更多关于参与目标的信息


  • Allocate resources strategically through a racial equity analysis process
  • 交付高质量的, standards-aligned instruction across all abilities and a continuum of services for learner
  • Create healthy, supportive, 文化ly responsive environments from the classroom to central office
  • Directly and consistently work in partnership with 家庭 and communities who represent Students of Color
  • 做出明确的承诺, 兑现承诺, and continuously analyze impacts on students and 家庭 for improvement

Stories: African American Male Achievement (AAMA)

The Department of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) directly aligns with the 西雅图卓越, the district’s strategic plan and the collective commitment to unapologetically support and serve students and 家庭 furthest from educational justice. 公立学校系统已经… 继续阅读AAMA


正规买足球的App is committed to eliminating opportunity gaps to ensure access and provide excellence in education for every student.


Every 正规买足球的App’ student receives a high-quality, 世界一流的教育 and graduates prepared for college, 职业生涯, 和社区.



Department of African American Male Achievement (AAMA)

Department of Racial Equity Advancement (DREA)
